dr lopa patel consultant surgeon

Dr Lopa Patel Patient Gallery

5100+ Procedures Performed

breast enlargement before and after patient-3

Breast Augmentation

10 weeks post op

breast enlargement before and after patient-4-v1

Breast Augmentation

10 weeks post op

breast enlargement before and after patient-4

Breast Augmentation

10 weeks post op

breast enlargement before and after patient-4-v2

Breast Augmentation

10 weeks post op

breast augmentation before and after patient-2

Breast Augmentation

10 weeks post op

breast augmentation before and after patient-1

Bilateral Breast Augmentation Round Smooth Medium Profile

Implants Used - 450CC. SubGlandular Placement Inframammary fold (IMF) incisions. 6 weeks post op

breast augmentation before and after patient

Bilateral Breast Augmentation & Tubular Breast Correction

Implants Used - 350CC. 6 weeks post op

breast enlargement before and after patient-1

Tubular Breast Correction with a Breast Enhancement

10 Weeks post op

breast enlargement before and after patient-6

Tubular Breast Augmentation

6 weeks post op

breast enlargement before and after patient-6-v1

Tubular Breast Augmentation

6 weeks post op

breast enlargement before and after patient-6-v2

Tubular Breast Augmentation

6 weeks post op

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